Dear Parishioners,
My first memory of Psalm 23 is from my grandfather’s funeral. I was eight years old and clearly remember someone reading, “The Lord is my shepherd…”. Even at that young age, it brought me comfort. The images of verdant pastures, restful waters and a refreshed soul captured my heart. It is still one of my favorite psalms. The readings this weekend remind us of the need for rest and quiet to renew ourselves.
After just coming back from almost three weeks away, it was time of rest and quiet. At the same time, it was busy but in a different way - helping my folks, visiting with family, doing odd jobs at the lake and at my parents’ home. Still, there was time to enjoy still waters and verdant pastures. Time to ponder God’s goodness and the way He guides us in life. I am grateful to God for His goodness and kindness.
It is good for us to remember that the Lord desires to always shepherd us - to walk beside us on our journey through life. We may wander and at times feel lost, but slowing down to remember His constant presence leads us back to still waters and verdant pastures, even if for just a brief moment. Finding peace in the One who creates, saves and loves us is an important part of our faith journey as Catholics. The Lord is our shepherd.
Jesus teaches His flock in Scriptures today as well. We have renewed our relationship with the Augustine Institute’s educational platform, Formed. Some of you have already logged into Formed in the past for classes, movies, etc. It is a great way for us to continue growing and learning about Jesus and the Church. We will be sharing more about Formed on a regular basis to help us grow in our love for the Lord, our shepherd.
Peace and blessings,
Fr. Fred