Liturgical Ministries
In the many ministries at St. Bernard's, as the Body of Christ, we find dedicated, kind and self-giving individuals that together are able to accomplish great things for our Lord Jesus Christ.
The best Christian message anyone can proclaim to the world is in their lives. In working, praying, singing, sharing, teaching, we develop friendship bonds that reach out to everyone. In sharing time, talent and treasure we grow as the living example of God's love for us.
We invite you to join us in growing in your relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church through participation in one or more of the parish ministries offered at St. Bernard's. Just click on the links above to find out more about our specific ministries.
Our parish has ministries that serve every area of human need. If you would like to join us please contact us at 480-661-9843.
Please note that All volunteers must complete Safe Environment Training with the Diocese in order to serve in any ministry. Please click on the following link for more information on how to access the training website.

Altar Servers
Altar serving is an important way for our young people to become involved in the spiritual life of the church. Altar servers add to the solemnity of the Mass. Training sessions are announced in the bulletin for those who have made their 1st Communion.
For more information, please e-mail Kathie Stine at or call her at 480-661-9843 x314.

Altar Society
The Altar Society cares for and cleans the Sanctuary, the Chapel and the pews. We also clean and iron the altar linens. We meet every Monday Morning after the 9:00am Mass to socialize and work.
For more information, please call Dolores Lonergan at 602-206-2254.

The purpose of the Hospitality Ministry is to make fellow parishioners and visitors feel welcome! The main roles of Hospitality include: greeting people entering the church, taking up the collection of gifts, assisting attendees to communion, especially those with special needs and distributing bulletins after Mass. This is a great way to make new friends and develop long-lasting friendships with members of your Hospitality Team!
For more information, please call Paul or Gina Wise at 480-661-7767.

Being the servant proclaimer, the lector communicates the passion and emotion of the scripture writers at Mass, nourishing the faith of the believing community, touching the hearts of the people by magnifying the Word of the Lord.
For more information, please call Richard Rutkowski at 480-836-0568.

Ministers of Holy Communion
The Communion Rite is the heart and center of the entire Eucharistic Liturgy. We are given the opportunity as Ministers of Holy Communion to take part in the rite by helping the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion. Please consider joining us and sharing in this special privilege.
For more information, please call John Zikias at 602-315-9139.

Music Ministry at St. Bernard of Clairvaux is all about leading the congregation in worship and song at Mass. It's about serving the Lord and His people by using the talents that He has given us.
In addition, we hold various other events throughout the year that minister to our local community. We have social events and support each other through our prayers and other activities. There are several different musical groups that you can choose as part of your volunteer ministry. We'd love to have you join us!
St. Bernard’s Parish Choir
This group sings at the Sunday 9:00am Mass
Also provides music for Christmas concerts, and various Diocesan events.
Rehearsals are Thursday night, 7:30-8:45pm
Veritas 124 Band
This group sings at the Sunday 11:00am Mass
Rehearsals are Thursday night, 6:15-7:15pm
All are welcome, brief audition is required
Pueri Cantores (Children’s Choirs)
Cherubs - Grades K-2 - rehearses Tuesdays, 4:30-5:00pm
Choristers - Grades 3-8 - rehearses Tuesdays, 5:15-6:15pm
Teen Schola - High School - rehearsal times vary
For more information, please contact Kent Campbell, Director of Music at or 480-661-9843 x311.