Flocknote Account Help

View/Edit My Flocknote Account

Step #1 - Click on the “View or edit my profile” icon

Step #2 - To edit your EMAIL, click on the “Pencil” icon by your email address and enter your new email address and then click on the “Save” button

Step #3 - To edit your CELL PHONE NUMBER, click on the “Pencil” icon by the cell phone number on your account, enter your new cell phone number and then click on the “Save” button

Join a Group

There are two ways to join a group in Flocknote:

Method #1
On the bottom left side of your Flocknote homepage, click on the name of the group you’d like to join and then click on the “Join this Group” button (Located in the upper right corner of the webpage)

Method #2
Follow these steps:

Step #1 - Click on the “View or edit my profile” icon

Step #2 - Click on the word “Groups” in the upper left side of your Flocknote profile page

Step #3 - Click on the “Join another group” button located at the bottom of your “Groups” page section and then choose the name of the group you’d like to join from the pop-up box that is displayed

View/Change Group Notification Preferences

Step #1 - Click on the “Manage my notification preferences” icon

Step #2 - To change your EMAIL notification preferences for the group, click on the envelope icon next to the group name

Blue Icon = TURN ON notification

Grey Icon = TURN OFF notification

NOTE: The “St. Bernard of Clairvaux” group is the MAIN group used for sending texts and emails. The other group names are subgroups within the St. Bernard of Clairvaux main group

Step #3 - To change your CELL PHONE notification preferences for the group, click on the phone icon next to the group name

Blue Icon = TURN ON notification

Grey Icon = TURN OFF notification