Dear Parishioners,
Merry Christmas! Today we complete the season of Christmas in the Church. It has been a nice extended period for us to soak in the mystery of love revealed in the crèche and the cross. The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated today and helps us make the transition into the public ministry of Jesus. He submits himself humbly into the waters of the Jordan so that he might sanctify the waters of baptism for all Christians who follow.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
Merry Christmas and Epiphany blessings! The word epiphany means manifestation, striking appearance, and we often use it to indicate a deeper understanding or revelation of something that was confusing or unknown. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany – God’s revealing His love for all nations. The preface of today’s Mass says, “For today you have revealed the mystery of our salvation in Christ as the light for the nations, and, when He appeared in our mortal nature, you made us new by the glory of His immortal nature.” He comes to save all nations and for us to share in His divine and immortal nature.
READ MOREChristians around the world celebrate the great Christmas Mystery of the Incarnation that God has become flesh and dwelt among us. It was unfathomable to the people at that time and should be for us as well. It reveals the amazing and generous love of God for us, His people. He did not choose to be exalted, but humble. Our journey of faith is one of humility, vulnerability and tender loving care for all people.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
Today we celebrate the 4th Sunday of Advent and it is just two days until Christmas. It is important to savor these last days of preparation and waiting in active hope. The readings from the Gospel of Luke give us the account of Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth who is with child in her old age. This story is one that reveals that we are created for relationship. We are privileged to “hear” the conversation between these two women and even between the children in their wombs, John the Baptist and Jesus.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
This weekend, we light the third candle on the Advent wreath – the rose colored one. It is a reminder that we are halfway through Advent and Christmas is just 10 days away. The entrance antiphon for today sets the tone, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near.” With this proclamation as a Church, the people of God remember we are called to rejoice in a world of busyness, technology, suffering and fear. You might ask how we rejoice in these things – only with the promise and hope of Jesus.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
Advent – a time for renewal, conversion and making room for the mystery of God’s love revealed in His Son born in a manager. It is a season of Hope for us – Hope in His Coming is our focus as a parish this year. It ties into the Jubilee 2025 Holy Year… Pilgrims of Hope. Christian Hope is unique in that it is hope in our Savior, Jesus. That He is our strength and source of peace.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
We begin a new year in the Church with the season of Advent. It is a season of hope and longing. One in which we cry out Maranatha! “Come, Lord Jesus!” This has been the call of the faithful Christian community for over two centuries as well as ours each year as we journey through this time of year. The shorter days and longer nights of winter impact us and are a reminder of the longing for brighter days. This was easily connected to the longing for the light of Christ by the early Church and still can be for us.