Dear Parishioners,
September 8th is the day we celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Mother. Because it is a Sunday – we celebrate the Sunday liturgy and honor her in a special way. One of the prayers for the liturgy states, “Come, let us celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary; let us worship her Son, Christ the Lord.” We see in this prayer that all things point to her son. The same is true for us – all that we do should in some way points to Christ, who gives us new life.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
This weekend we celebrate Labor Day, a national holiday, recognizing the dignity of human labor. The Church has always supported the inherent dignity to work and to provide for daily living. Labor Day for the Church worldwide is the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker on May 1st. It is the “World Labor Day” and Pope Francis wrote the following on the Feast in 2013, “Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person. Work, to use an image, anoints us with dignity, fills us with dignity, makes us similar to God, who has worked and still works, who always acts…” This Labor Day let us give thanks to God for those who labor in factories, fields and various professions that help to foster a healthy society that values the dignity of human labor and the gift of the individuals laborer.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
This is the last week of us reading the Bread of Life discourse from the 6th chapter of John. It has been a five week journey of reflecting, pondering and exploring the great gift of the Eucharist in our lives as Catholics. As a recap, the first week reminded us of God’s abundant love bestowed on His people in the feeding of the great multitudes with just five loaves and two fish. God’s love and grace is not stingy but overflowing when we trust in Him.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
“Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” John 6:53
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
Jesus tells us, “I am the Bread of Life,” revealing that He is bread from heaven. It is hard to believe but it reveals a core attribute of God who has created us in love; He desires to always provide for us. He desires to save us, to heal us, to strengthen us and walk with us on our journey. The Eucharist reveals God’s providential love. He provides us with all we need to walk on our faith journey and while for some who may feel abandoned or alone – we can be confident that He is with us.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
We continue to read from the sixth chapter of John – the Bread of Life discourse. This week Jesus recognizes the physical hunger we have for food and water, but wants us to understand that we have an even deeper hunger and thirst that only God can feed and quench. Ultimately, receiving His Body and Blood is being united to God and becoming one with Him who satisfies all hunger and thirst for meaning, purpose and true peace.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
The USCCB just completed the National Eucharistic Revival Congress that was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, and included several days of Eucharistic Adorations, talks and teachings, various Masses, and Eucharistic processions, all meant to bring about a renewed love for our Eucharistic Lord. There were over 50,000 people from across the country who participated, including some from our Diocese. I followed different talks and events, and admit that it seemed like a very spirit-filled time of renewal.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
My first memory of Psalm 23 is from my grandfather’s funeral. I was eight years old and clearly remember someone reading, “The Lord is my shepherd…”. Even at that young age, it brought me comfort. The images of verdant pastures, restful waters and a refreshed soul captured my heart. It is still one of my favorite psalms. The readings this weekend remind us of the need for rest and quiet to renew ourselves.
READ MOREDear Parishioners,
I remember seeing a sign on a Church board in Phoenix this time of year that said, “If you think it is hot here…”. Well, it has certainly been hot in the desert this July with record temperatures. Even back in Michigan, it has been warm and humid. While the temperature and weather do impact us, I also like to say its just weather… hot, cold, rain or snow; what is most important is how we stay grounded in our faith in the Lord. Striving always to not let outside influences impact our peace.
READ MOREDear fellow disciples,
This weekend, Jesus teaches in the synagogue and all are astounded by His wisdom and mighty deeds. Teaching is a key role that Jesus had in sharing the Father’s plan of saving love. When we are taught, it can increase understanding, leading to deeper compassion, patience and conviction.